“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” -Maya Angelou
Theme song: “Three Little Birds” Bob Marley
Theme song #2: “Bird’s Eye View” Amy Kuney (LURRRVE this song!)
Theme song #3: “Turn! Turn! Turn!” the Byrds
Was it just me, or did everyone seem to turn into zombies this winter?
Myself included. Spring has sprung and all who have been in their long wintery sleeps, are rising from the dead. Good thing. I was beginning to worry. And now that the sun is shining, souls are coming alive and stuttering to remember the shiney side of things. New beginnings are taking place and inspiration is all around. Even the birds are playing along.
We felt like the luckiest ones two Sundays ago, as we found a perfectly constructed nest… filled with 3 perfectly blue Robin’s eggs… in a camellia bush… in our backyard. I mean, are you kidding me?
::Please click on image to view larger::
{when viewing large, check out the blonde clump of hair in the 5th picture! My girlies like to clean out their hairbrushes and throw it in the backyard so the birds can use it in the structure of their nest. The birds loved the offering and now my toeheads are a real part of the wonderment! How cool is that!!!}
“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.” -Rabindranath Tagore
(Check out more awesome collage entries at www.iheartfaces.com)
If you haven’t seen a Robin’s nest up close and personal, add it to your bucket list. I am serious. Seek out this wonder of all wonders for it is a sight to behold. My 3 girls and I gasped and giggled and broke out the camera of course. And my littlest lady asked to be hoisted up over and over to get a gander at the prettiest things we evuh laid eyes on (we’re suddenly Southern, ya know). The prettiest shade of blue we evuh did see. Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams ain’t got nothin’ on mother nature, that’s fo’shizzle.
Well, shame on mo’nature for taking all of the credit.
The first thing we thought of after gazing at the perfect, circular intricacy of the round nest, and the perfect blue of blues of the 3 little eggs, was how can there NOT be a God! Too much perfection and amazement to be looked upon so flippantly. Did you know the birds take around 180 trips back and forth over several days to build their nest, only to eventually abandon it? A-Ma-ZING. Life is a miraculous thing. Mama Robin gets off easy though if you ask me, 14-16 days and her birdies are there. Mine were in the mama oven for 9 months. Phew. But if you saw the nest,… you truly understand the meaning of “nesting”. They clean it meticulously by removing the doodie, egg shells and stuff that would make it a poopfested abode. We’ve been observing her closely and hoping some of it rubs off on us. 😉
The 3 little eggs reminded me of my own little ones I have to hold, and sit on to warm when they are bad… I mean cold. They are tough like that. They are the wonders of wonders in my life and I’m grateful for their shiny faces and that I am privileged to nest for a spell. They are beautiful and smart and make me excited to see what kind of birds they’ll turn out to be. What I really wanted to say was I want to clip their wings so they can’t leave me ever-ever-ever! But of course, I do wish the best for them and to fly … That is the bittersweet part of motherhood, no? Give them wings only so they can leave.
We’ve been carefully checking on our babies everyday and still getting as giddy as the first day we found them. I need to record the endless awwwwwws from my itty bitty – too cute. So cute in fact, I gobbled up her face after a peek.
She said, “Mama, stop it! Stop it! You’re eating up my face!!!”
This is what life is all about.
Seeing wonders through my children’s eyes, is the sort of shiny and refreshing thing I need to wake my soul.
I remember someone saying the early bird get s the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. That’s me-the second mouse. I’m getting my cheese, uh, wings a little late, but heck if I don’t wake up and sing and sing and sing!
’cause that’s what good eggs D.O.
“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.” – C.S. Lewis
be a good egg,
::more good songs to sing::
“Blackbird” by Collin Haye, “New Soul” by Yael Naim, “Birds” Emiliana Torrini
by admin
Lou -
LJH loves this post! Always great to read your words, Dana, and see the images you capture. The collage sums things up nicely!
danaohlsen - It is miraculous, Monica! Never seen that in all my 35 years. Glad I got to experience it for the first time with my girlies!
danaohlsen - Thank you kindly, Christina!!! That made my eyes leak. I can only hope. 😉
danaohlsen - I LOVE that song!!! Forgot about that line. Might have to go add it to the post! I even LOVE more that your girls sing it all of the time. I love them and I don’t even know them! 😉 Thanks, my friend.
Monica - Beautiful collage! That is so awesome that you get to see these baby birds go from eggs in a nest to taking flight one day when they are ready. Life is amazing!!
Christina - Such a sweet post, and the collage is amazing! What a precious memory you made, and one day they will read what you wrote and be filled with all the wonder of their mother’s love.
Monika - Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don’t need to worry.
Opening line to “Put your records on” by Corinne Bailey Rae. And I know this, because my girls sing the entire song a million times a day, lol.
LOVE your collage!!! Seriously, L O V E!!! So precious!!!