Seeing this vison that had been swirling around in my head for months come to life, was an amazing experience.
The words “Matilda Jane Rocks” that appear every time I go to open the MJC blog in my browser, had
really been beat into the walls of my brain.
But It didn’t take any subliminal messages to get me to believe it.
Oh no.
This clothing line was love at first sight and heart skipping goodness.
So I knew I had to take what encompasses MJC for me and GO BIG or GO home.
Rockin, sophisticated, colorful, and a wee bit cheeky is how my girls roll.
And we took that all and threw it into several M. Jane’s Addiction photo shoot installments.
My good friend’s, Jen and Amy, were THE best on set crew I could ask for.
They were calming and patient and knew what to do before I even said it.
We could read each other’s minds.
It doesn’t hurt that they enjoy a lovely thing as much as I do.
Including lovely little girls, lovely MJC and lovely things.
Match made in heaven.
Then there were the girlies.
What rockstars!!!
And I don’t mean rockstars in the egotistical way we see with Hollywood “stars” today.
I mean in the shiniest true shining STAR way possible.
The kind that can change the world.
They are truly bright spots and know how to let it shine!!!
It gives me hope for the future and warm fuzzies to think of how these little stars will shine as they grow.
They will rock forever… partly because Matilda Jane helped them dance with childhood a wee bit longer.
We rocked it until the sun went down.
Our little rockstars had rocked and danced their little hearts out…
to blissful exhaustion.
{can you see the full moon peeking through the trees?)
by admin
admin - That just makes me blush, my friend!!! So sweet and means so much coming from you! You are such a great supporter, cheerleader, friend! Thank you for it!!! And all that you said, same goes for you too! Smooches. xoxo
Marcel - Girl, you amaze me! I’m so proud of who you are, where you’re going with your passion, making your dreams happen, and being to have you in my life!
admin - p.s. I’m going to start calling you the O.G. baby for being the “original” awesome one. I know you know what that means… if not, hit me up. 😉
admin - Jill. Thank you so much. Those words you just said mean a lot and I’ve discovered are more important than any winning at this point. I’m so grateful you recognize the heart and soul I put into it because that’s all that matters in the end. I’m not going to win and I can be okay with that knowing I did my best and learned and grew from it all… well and of course had a blast!!! Thank you so much, dear. Rooting for you, because you are in the race, girl! loves. p.s. That Jane Party comment is just so nice. 😉 xo
Jill Hurst - D…this one of ms k needs to be blown up way way way big…such a beautiful creation! I’ve so enjoyed your MJane Addiction fairytale. Amazing! Good luck with the contest…you really have put your heart and soul into this!
The girls who won the Party Like a Jane Atlanta are going to be blown away!