“That someday I’ll float away over the sunrise
And leave this whole crazy world behind
I’ll head straight for the stars
Somewhere on the way
I know I’ll meet ya
And carry on with your hand in mine”
Theme song #1: “You Make Me Happy” by Lindsey Ray
Theme song #2: “The Call” by Regina Spektor
Theme song #3: “Dream” by Priscilla Ahn
Themes Song #3: “Float Away” by Lindsey Ray

What started out as a quiet hope, turned into reality.
Never would I have thought that out of a couple thousand entries, we would be so blessed to get chosen to be a part of
the Matlida Jane Clothing Spring Photo shoot.
And It couldn’t have come at a better time to bring a bright spot to a somewhat bumpy year.
I don’t even know where to begin… our adventure to Florida was the culmination of years of dedication and loyalty,
ooey-gooey cuteness, and the love of and being loved by MJC.
It was beyond our happiest thoughts. We felt like we we were floating on Cloud 9 in a daze the whole time!
Dreaming out loud… like pinch me, is this really happening???
Good peops, good grub, good company, good TIMES.
Who could ask for more?
Well, there was more.
More friendship, more warmth, more mother/daughter bonding, more fun, more laughter,
more beautiful children (moreso on the inside), more inspiration,
more cuteness, more gorgy CLOTHING, more silliness, more sand in our toes, more talent,
more GOODNESS, more giddiness, more gooey-ness, more girliness, more dreaminess, more hugs,
more giggles, more late night chats, more down-to-earthiness,
more giving, more inspiring, more breath-taking moments,
more heart holding things to stuff my heart pockets with than I could have imagined!
To say we had a FANTASTICALICIOUS time would be an understatement.

And to say it was all about the clothes and “modeling” would be a disservice to the hearts and souls of the MJC gals.
Denise, the genius designer/owner, and her gals have hearts of gold, and don’t let anyone tell you different.
To know her kind and giving heart is not to be surprised by the good people she is surrounded by.
She is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get gal… goodness through and through.
No. For us, this trip was about new & lasting friendships… Bosom friends, hearts,
and breathing in a once in a lifetime experience.
WAIT! No! I would hope it’s not the one and only time, but if it happens to be, we are so grateful.
Have I said how grateful we are yet??? 😉

It would also be a disservice to not say how completely GORGEOUS the spring line is-BEYOND, really.
The details surrounding the line are to be kept confidential, so I can’t give you sneaky peeky, but let’s just say TDF in a BIG way!!! You will literally have your breath taken away!
You will die twice and go straight to heaven!
And talk about MORE… this line has MORE than ever and will exceed expectations.
Is that even possible? I know. I don’t know how Denise does that.
every. single. time.
Blows me away!
You will not be disappointed. Each time my girlies came out clothed and primped and accessorized to the {CLOUD} 9’s, I gasped.
If you could have only seen the sparkle in their eyes!!!
That is what it’s all about. How these clothes make my babies feel.
Their spirits are lifted, their smiles are bigger, and the skip in their step doesn’t touch the ground… floating in bliss, I tell you!
They just feel girly and unique and their free spirits and self confidence shine through.
Who doesn’t want their daughters to feel that way?
The MJC ladies ( Denise, Kayla & Sam) couldn’t have made them feel more special…
as well as EVERY little girl that was blessed to be there!
And our new friend, Michelle Huesgen, the fun and fabulous photographer did the same.
AND… It couldn’t have been more special getting a whole girly weekend just me and my littles!
Utter goodness, contentment, and joy.

And me? Well I was floating not only after meeting the MJC crew, but when I met
the fabulous ladies and their children we shared a house with.
We just clicked… felt like I’ve known them my entire life.
Again, words don’t do justice to how I feel about these ladies… bosom friends.
Jami, Kelly, and Sandi
are not only very talented women, but have huge hearts with a desire to be and do good.
Bosom friends.
{Other fabulous new friends were Chantena, Kristin, Christina, Colleen, Elijah, Lynette and dear Anne.}
That doesn’t mean there was a lack of fun. Oh no.
The kids got along so swimmingly, that someone actually called a complaint on us in the middle of the day
for being too loud in the pool… can you imagine?
Can you have too much fun? Hilarious.
I guess giggles and happiness from 9 girls + 1 boy is too much for some to handle.
For us? It was complete bliss.
Bosom friends don’t need to apologize for their bosominess. No sir.

{Bottom pic: Lynette, Kayla, and 3 of their fabulous lead Trunk Keepers!!! Or lead TK from Kentucky, Natalie, at the wheel! 😉 }
Kayla, one of Denise’s right hand women, asked a question on FB the other day about what we love about MJC… this was my answer and it is even more verifiably how I feel!
“I love that my girls, and I & MJC walk hand and hand. It’s us against the big, bad, grow-up-too-fast world! I honestly feel like we walk around skipping and twirling and dancing tucked safely away in our colorful MJC bubble. My girls, even my tween at the tender age of 12, stand poised in uniqueness with smiles, silliness, giggles, smarts, girliness, and self-worth. I truly believe Matlida Jane has helped offer my girls a longer dance with childhood and for that I am forever grateful. I love how MJC offers us versatility and confidence not only in my girls personalities, but in the clothing itself. I can give my daughter a chocolate ice cream cone and not worry one bit. I love that I can post the picture later and have everyone say “I can’t believe you let her eat that in her MJC!” My girls love to feel as girly as can be while getting dirty or running in corn fields or apple orchards or even at a baseball game with their dad. And most of all, I love that MJC inspires me… so much, that if my comment were to win, I would want you to give it someone else. Truly. MJC has already given me so much and inspired me so much that I would want to do what MJC would do… pay it forward. Give back. I just wanted to express my thanks here. Thank you for being you.
You are forever etched into the childhood of my girls….
Hand and hand... it’s about connections… hand to hand… heart to hand… hand to heart… heart to heart… soul to soul… eye to eye… smile to smile. The connections that have been made because a passerby stops and asks us where we got our clothes-gives a reason for my girls to feel more connected to others. The connections at the bus stop with a neighbor I didn’t know so well because she wants to know where I get my cute clothes. The connections with new friends I have never even met because we share a love for our daughters and all that is sweet and lovely. The conversations that have been started, that in turn make a connection, that connects hearts, makes friendships, speaks of good. The heads that have turned. The smiles that have been put upon faces. The giggles that have been shared between my girls. Feeling SO connected to all the crew at MJC from their personal notes, comments, to the blog, and all of the other little things they do to make us feel like family. Connections between human beings is what life’s about.
To be there for each other. To spread the love.
And that is what MJ has somehow brought to life through a clothing company,
because a girl had a dream and shared that dream with us. 😉 xo”
Those of you who don’t know MJC or have yet to experience the joy of seeing your daughter cutified in MJ goodness, or get to know the MJC ladies, must think I’m crazy!
All this for a clothing company?
Yeppers. All this. ‘Cause it is just what it is.
MJC family… LOVE and be loved.
So a big grateful thanks to the sweet and spunky and amazing MJC crew for putting on a weekend from heaven!!!
And thank you dear, sweet Anne for keeping our bellies full and smiles on our faces-she’s good peops!!!
Denise and company really know how to make one feel welcome, at home, and feel like you have been friends forever…
Bosom friends.
I love them more than ever!!!
A magical, dreamy experience we will not soon forget.
{Bosom. Friends. Forever.}
I’ll come back when you call me… no need to say goodbye. 😉
OH so grateful for friends on earth and friends above, new and old and more to love,
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” – Jane Howard
p.s. Spring line comes out February 1st! Yippee! 😉
Read Jami’s post here (we were kind of on the same wavelength 😉 ), Sandi’s post here, Kelly’s post here, and Michelle’s post here.
by admin
Andrea - Dana, Dana – What a beautiful and honest post….I love it and am inspired by it. It is so real. I never knew you had such an amazing talent in writing. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!