“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy.
No man does. That’s his.”
~Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 1895
Brains & Beauty.
If you ask me, that’s what she’s made of.
With a big, whopping side helping of beautiful heart & soul.
She’s a dish.
The catch of the day.
Peaches & cream, if you will.
But thank goodness we don’t have to think about that.
Thank goodness my girl hasn’t had to deal with any kind of heartbreak.
But if she keeps this CUTE thing up, I think we will be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
Or at least the boys who show up on our doorstep will be.
{by the Mister of the house… be afraid; be very, very afraid}
She doesn’t pay much attention to them.
Is friends with the ones that don’t act all “weird”.
Once in awhile will tell me what it is that is bugging her about boys.
Like the day she came home annoyed by how juvenile boys are.
In class that day, they were split into groups to work together.
They were supposed to be looking up vocab words from Call of the Wild, but the boys were
looking up “B**B” instead.
She said they were the ones acting like one. Okay so she didn’t say that, but I’m
sure she was thinking it.
Okay, guilty. That was me too.
But other than that… not on her mind.
What is on her mind are horses, books, playing, her sissies, school, math, art, daydreaming,
cooking, running, good music, singing, piano, animals, and family.
I realize we might be slightly outside of the norm for her age, but I’m very
happy to oblige her innocence a little longer.
And since I will officially be a mama of an official, bona fide teenager, in 18 days…
Some Advice for my girls about boys:
Boys will ALWAYS be boys.
Don’t ever get pressured into do anything for a boy “just to be nice”.
(I know this is hard, because you are so nice, but that is no time for people pleasing, believe you me.)
If a boy wants to carry your books home from school for you, let him.
But know you don’t owe him anything in return, but a thank you.
If you feel uncomfortable, walk away… run if you have to.
If a boy teases you relentlessly and you’ve asked them one too many times to stop,
then by all means punch him in the stomach walk away.
Don’t get in a stink fight with a skunk.
{thanks Jami for reminding me of that saying}
Because “Sometimes when you get in a fight with a skunk, you can’t tell who started it”- Lloyd Doggett
No boy is worth your time and energy if he brings you down.
And no one can bring you down unless you let them.
You are a bright, shiney apple at the top of the tree… wait for the one who’s brave enough to climb to the top for you.
It’s not easy, but choose happiness. You always have a choice.
Keep yourself busy with good things like reading good books and things you enjoy, and there just
won’t be much time for them until the time is right… like when you’re 32.
You’ll have had plenty of time for that PHD by then. 😉
Hearts are made to be broken and mended. It just means you’re open to love.
And love is good.
Let the right kind of love in, but keep masquerades of love out.
An open heart is worth the risk.
Be smart, be armed with knowledge and know how… Particularly how you do not need to act like other girls.
To thine own self be true.
Keep your eye on the prize… never settle.
No one is perfect, but as long as that’s what they are striving for, you’re good.
Don’t play games… unless it’s Scrabble… or Monopoly.
Boys should still open doors for you and be gentlemen… Don’t let anyone ever tell you different.
It’s called R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
The more you see of how boys are, the more you’ll love your dogs.
Not all boys are bad. Boys can be nice; look at your daddy.
Just learn how to spot a good one…listen to your parents-we’ll help you along the way.
Find someone like you’re daddy and you’ll be golden.
Shine on,
“There are much easier things in life than finding a good man. Nailing Jell-O to a tree, for instance.” ~Author Unknown
p.s. Have I ever told you about how my eldest (the sassy, almost teenager) got sent to
the principal’s office in kindergarten?
True story.
Good story.
I don’t condone violence, but that boy who relentlessly teased her
had that punch to the stomach coming. 😉
by admin
La - A teenager? what the? You never cease to amaze me with your talents girl. sure love ya!
Kelly - You never cease to amaze me. What a powerful message for all of your girls.
Melissa Fullmer - dana, this is precious, i love it! the pictures, the words, perfect
you are so cute and so are your precious girls.
jami - Oh how I’ve missed you. XOXOXO
Monika - Well, hello darling Dana!!! I’ve missed you! Love this post, read it all out loud do my Erina =).
alice gold - love you dana. Love your work. love your girls. love your advice.