“There are only two styles of portrait painting, the serious and the smirk”
-Charles Dickens
“If you want to be the most popular person in your class, whenever the professor pauses in his lecture, just let out a big snort and say, ‘How do you figger that!’ real loud. Then lean back and sort of smirk.”
-Jack Handy
Theme Song-Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
Theme Song #2-Even Better than the Real Thing by U2
This is my tween in all her unabashed I’m-cute-and-sassy-and-proud-of-it glory. This image popped in my head instantly when I saw the word “smirk” for this week’s challenge. This was real, spontaneous, undirected, unrehearsed, uncalled for. yeah. She’s that good. I’ll take this smirk over the one’s the world has been throwing at me lately. gah. What is it with some people? Especially Mr. Scott Baio Trans Am Man at middle school carpool. SHEESH! He takes the cake. If there were a poster child for the not so nice kind of smirk, he would be it. If only I had a picture of him with his SMIRK and his head sticking out the window with his Scott Baio hair blowing in the wind, you would all roll on the floor laughing (ROTFL). But then that wouldn’t be so nice would it. Or quite as cute to look at. So we go with my sassy tween who loves to throw a quirky-smirky one my way every once in awhile with the ‘tude that goes along with it… a little too well these days. Me thinks it takes talent to still look this cute with an attitude like that. She even smirks with her eyes.
i heart her.
Go see more fun “Smirk” entries at http://www.iheartfaces.com/2010/09/week-38-•-smirk-photo-challenge/
pee.ess. One thing I love about i heart faces, is that they can give me a weekly boost to get off my keester and give me a reason to shoot something every week whether I feel like it or not. What I also love about it, are those moments where a challenge brings an existing image immediately to the forefront of my mind because it expresses it so clearly. There is nothing greater than an a “real” image that wasn’t set-up or forced, as in this case. Sure, I could have grabbed my daughter and instructed her to smirk for me, but it just wouldn’t have been the same. A’int nothing like the real thing, baby. There’s something to be said for catching real moments.
by admin
danaohlsen - Ha-ha! Thanks, Jessie! Me too… major crush from Happy Days to Charles in Charge! 😉 This Trans Am dad has nuthin’ on our childhood dreamboy! Ha! 😉
Jessie - Beautiful conversion. What a sweet girl and sassy smirk. Your post made me smile. I used to love Scott Baio lol
Hayley - What a beauty. And, so smirky!
Michelle - Love this shot! It’s such a great tween expression
Captured beautifully in B&W
jen - I am with you on the whole child pickup..gah! Can’t I just live far enough for her to take the bus. Mine is a pretween. I love her hat in b&w, and her entire expression. Now that’s sassitude!
Leora Sanford - what a cutie!! great smirk and love the B&W conversion!!
Ammo - What a cutie! Love the b&w.
Jennifer Foster - what a great conversion- love the detail, and the oh-so-sassy smirk!